Tally Setting
Enter the menu and choose “Tally Setting”. Then press “Confirm” button to enter the setting.
Choose switcher brand by pressing “Up” and “Down” button. Then press “Confirm” button to
enter video switcher model option. Choose video switcher model by pressing “Up” and “Down”
button. Press “Exit” button to return to the previous menu after setting.
You should set the right video switcher brand and model, and choose the right switcher cable for
the base station to receive switcher tally signal as required. Otherwise the base station may
receive the wrong tally signal or even unable to receive tally signal.
2 wire Setting
Enter the menu and choose “2 wire Setting”. Then press “Confirm” button to enter the setting.
Turn on / off the setting by pressing “Up” and “Down” button. Press “Exit” button to return to the
previous menu after setting.
The default setting is turned off “2 wire Setting”. In this situation, the 2
wire interface is
unavailable, and the 4
wire interface is available. If you turn on “2 wire Setting”, the 2
interface is available, and the 4
wire interface is unavailable.