1. P ictu re M ode
2. B rightne s s
3. C ontrast
4. C olor
5. Tint
6. S harp nes s
7. C olor Tem pe rature
8. A dva n ce d Se ttings
Avai lable o ptions : User, Stand ard,
Dyna mic, Soft.
The value o f Brig htness can b e adju sted
from 0-100 .
Tin t is adj ustabl e only in cert ain TV syste m.
The value of Bri ghtnes s/Con trast/Tint/Sh arpne ss is a djusta ble on ly
when Pictu re Mode is U ser.
Avai lable o ptions : Norm al, Wa rm, C ool.
Avai lable o ptions : Norm al, Wi de, Zo om, C inema .
Avai lable o ptions : Off, L ow, Medium, High , Auto.
Avai lable o ptions : On, O ff.
Avai lable o ptions : Vide o, Gra phic.
The value o f Con trast c an be adjusted
from 0-100 .
The value o f Colo r can be adju sted f rom 0- 100.
The value o f Tint can be adjus ted fro m 0-1 00.
The value o f Sha rpness can b e adju sted fr om 0-1 00.
Aspect Ra tio
Nois e Red uction
Dynamic C ontra st
HDM I Mod e
1. Sound Mode
2. Bas s
3. Tre ble
4. Bal anc e
Availab le opt ions: S tanda rd, Mu sic,
M ovie, Sports, User.
T he va lue of Bass c an be adjust ed from
0 -100.
T he va lue of Treble can be adjus ted from
0 -100.
T he va lue of Balanc e can be adj usted from -50 to 5 0.
The v alue of Bass /Treble /Balance is adjust able only wh en
S ound Mode is Use r.
5. MTS (M ulti-cha nne l Te le vis ion Sou nd)
6. Audio Lang uag e
7. Digital Audio O utput
8. Sur rou nd Sound
9. AVL (Auto Volume Leve l)
10 . Speak er
T his ite m is u sed to select prefe rred so und tr ack.
MTS i s adju stable only w hen viewing chann els wh ich co ntain r elated
M TS in formation.
T his ite m is u sed to select prefe rred au dio languag e.
Availab le opt ions: O ff, PC M, Ra w.
Availab le opt ions: O n, Off .
Availab le opt ions: O n, Off .
T his ite m is u sed to turn o n/off s ound o utput of your TV sp eaker s.
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