Display Functions
Status LED
This LED indicates different kinds of status:
Green = On
Red = Stand-by Mode
Blinking Orange = After-cooling period in process
Blinking Red = Error
This error can mean that the lamp door is not shut properly or an error in the
software has occurred. If that happens, please turn off the unit and restart. If
the error still occurs, please contact your local dealer.
By pressing the reset button, the slide mechanism undergoes an electronic reset.
This is necessary in case you have a slide jam. The unit is designed to blockade
in such cases to prevent damage to the slide or other mechanical components of
the projector. If you do experience a slide jam, please remove the slide from the
gate and press the reset button. This avoids having to restart the whole unit,
including lamp ignition.
Zero LED
The zero LED indicates that the tray is in zero-position. The tray can easily be
removed while in the zero-position.