IMPORTANT: You must charge your unit every 6 months. Make sure your unit goes no longer than 6
months without a charge. Prolonged periods of inactivity may result in severe battery depletion. It is very
important to the operation of your unit that the battery receive a charge every 6 months. Fully charge
your unit before storing for long periods of time. If battery becomes completely depleted please return
unit to manufacturer for maintenance.
Install the Software
To activate all applicable features, you will need to download the software from the Nautilus Lifeline website
and install it to activate all functions. To download and install the Nautilus Lifeline software on your computer:
Windows Users:
1. Make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet. Go to
and initiate the
download of the Nautilus Lifeline software.
2. Follow the instructions on your screen for installing the software. Run the installer “Lifeline-Setup.exe”.
3. Follow the installer instructions, and plug in your Lifeline USB connector when the installer prompts you
to do so.
4. Windows will warn you that you are trying to install an “Unsigned” device driver. Choose “Install the
Unsigned Driver Anyways” to install the device driver for your Nautilus Lifeline. If you do not install the
driver, your computer will be unable to connect to the Nautilus Lifeline.
5. Run the software with your Nautilus Lifeline plugged into your computer.
6. When finished, disconnect the USB cable and carefully replace the cover over the USB port on the unit.
Mac Users:
1. Make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet. Go to
and initiate the
download of the Nautilus Lifeline software.
2. Unzip the NautilusLifelineMac.app.zip package
3. You can drag the Nautilus-Lifeline software (app) to the “Dock” for easy access, or run it from another
Location on your Mac.
4. Run the software and plug in your Nautilus Lifeline
5. When finished, disconnect the USB cable and carefully replace the cover over the USB port on the unit.
Register Your Nautilus Lifeline
To activate all applicable features, you will need to use the included software to register your unit, validate
warranty, select your country, activate distress mode (if applicable), and enter an MMSI number. To do this:
1. Make sure the unit is connected to the computer with the USB cable.
2. Open the Nautilus Lifeline software on your computer.
3. Follow the instructions for validating your warranty. Be sure to accurately fill out the required fields and
carefully read the Limited Liability.
4. You must register your Nautilus Lifeline to use the distress mode function on your unit. The distress mode
function varies according to country and certification. Contact your local authorities before using this
After Registration
1. Select your region.
IMPORTANT: Your unit must always be set to the country where you are using it. If you travel to a different
country, make sure to reset your unit to that country.
2. If you have already obtained an MMSI number, enter the number correctly. For information on obtaining
an MMSI number, see Maritime Mobile Service Identity on page 4.
NOTE: You must enter an MMSI number to have full use of the distress mode function. You can only enter
your MMSI number once, and you can only enter one MMSI number. If you need to change it or add a
new MMSI number, contact Nautilus Lifeline to reset your unit. See Customer Support on page 22.
3. When finished, disconnect the USB cable and carefully replace the cover over the USB port on the unit.