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1st3001001 EN 1_14.docx
-Relief GmbH
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
FN: 206478w, HG Wien
Handelskai 388 / Top 632
VAT No.: ATU 51115305
1020 Vienna, Austria, Europe
IBAN: AT24 1100 0085 7396 5400
Tax No. 014/3645
EORI: ATEOS1000001609
Start the Link2AIS software program on PC.
The application requires a USB connection to a NAUTICAST B2 transponder. The
connection status is indicated in the lower left corner of the Link2AIS window:
Open the connection settings:
By pressing ‘Scan Ports’ the software checks the available ports for the device
and gives you a suggestion when ready. Select the serial port (port number can be
found in the device manager of the system settings of your Microsoft Windows
operating system) from the menu. Click 'Save' when the right port is selected.
Once a connection is established the application is ready to use. Connection
status is indicated at the bottom left of the application window:
The status light should now turn amber, but still not green, because the MMSI is
not programmed yet.
There is a context based Help file, which explains what each data entry field means
and what sort of data is expected. The help system is started by pressing the F1 key
on your PC.