Xltek EMU128 Headbox
User & Service Manual
The system uses a three-wire power cord with a hospital grade plug. The system
is earth grounded. For grounding reliability, only connect the device to a hospital
grade or hospital-only receptacle. Inspect the power cord often for fraying or other
damage. Do NOT operate the system with a damaged power cord or plug.
Do NOT place the isolation transformer on the floor.
Plug only XLTEK-recommended components into the isolation transformer.
Patient-Related Warnings and Cautions
Disconnect the patient's recording electrodes from the system before your turn it
on and off. Disconnecting the electrodes prevents shock.
Connect all patient electrodes to fully electrically isolated physiological devices
only. Connecting patient electrodes to any other device or external outlet may
result in personal injury.
The patient headbox accepts only touch-proof style electrode inputs. Do NOT
attempt to use any other style of patient electrode input.
Patient connections are NOT intended for direct cardiac contact.
As with all medical equipment, carefully route patient cabling to reduce the
possibility of patient entanglement or strangulation.