Madsen AccuScreen OAE & ABR Screener User Manual
The NICU Status screen
NHSP England only
In the
NICU Status
screen, select the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) status of
the baby.
The baby is/has been in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
No. The baby is not/has not been in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
You can configure the
NICU Status
screen (see the AccuLink User Manual).
The Consent Status screen
NHSP England only
In the
Consent Status
screen, indicate whether parental consent has been obtained:
Full consent.
Screening and data will be identifiable in the national database.
Screen only.
Screening and data will be saved in the national database, but will
appear as anonymous to all viewers except for the local screening program
responsible for the baby.
Consent Status
screen is configurable (see the AccuLink User Manual).
The Risk Factors screen
In the
Risk Factors
screen, you can assign one or more risk factors that may apply to this
patient or the test condition.
The risk factors are by default set to
Risk Factors
screen is configurable (see the AccuLink User Manual).
Assigning a risk factor
Press the toggle button until the desired value is shown. Use the toggle
button to toggle between the values: