D. Plumbing Hook Up
Plumbing connections should be well insulated after installation. Cover bottom access holes as
Minimum pipe size permitted is 1”. I
nstall the outgoing pex line on the pump flange that is already
mounted to the lower end of the circulation pump. Install the return line on the 1-
1/4” fitting
in the top-middle of the rear control area.
Add a valve to the return line so if repair or service is
needed on lines or equipment, the water in the boiler can be isolated without having to be
(Valves and PEX fittings can be purchased from N
ature’s Comfort
or your dealer.)
Install a fill line from the domestic water into the return line at the house using a T, 2 valves and a
union to disconnect or a backflow preventer when not using to keep 100% isolated so no boiler
water can ever enter the domestic side if pressure is lost.
Use sweeping bends for PEX pipe keeping 9
0’s to a minimum (no more than 6) as each one add
s 1
foot of head pressure, reducing the rate of water flow.
For tight radiuses use ¾” rubber heater hose
in sh
ort lengths (fits 1” PEX fittings and is available fro
Nature’s Comfort
or your dealer).
For a forced air system, run the line from the pump first to the heat exchanger for the domestic hot
water then to the one in the furnace plenum. For a hydronic radiant system, reverse this order.
For larger homes, 1-¼ pipe may be needed for maximum BTU output. A 1-
¼” pipe can carry
up to 37% more BTUs due to higher water flow. The fittings above would need to be changed to
accommodate 1-
¼” Pex. The Armstrong
pump available from Nature’s Comfort
or your dealer
has the ability to do this in a 1” pipe within distance & height limitations.
E. Wiring the Boiler
A qualified electrician must wire this boiler in accordance with the National Electrical Code.
A dedicated GFCI protected 15amp, 115vac circuit needs to be installed to power the lower outlet.
Land power & neutral wires to the back of the outlet and wire nut the ground wire to the green wire
that is fastened alongside the ground of the outlet. See controls section for an electrical diagram.
The size and type of electric wire to be installed depends on the distance from the boiler to the
house. If the boiler is less then 100 feet from the house, #14 AWG UF cable is the smallest wire
that may be used. If the distance is greater than 100 feet, #12 AWG UF cable must be used.
A maximum of 5 amps is used by the boiler if all standard equipment is running. The extra outlet will
provide a total of 10amps for convenience use.
For ease of loading at night, it is
suggested to install an outdoor light on a pole, 10’
20’ from the
front of the boiler and offset slightly so a user can see inside the firebox when loading.
F. Forced Air Systems - Thermostat Wiring
The next example drawings are for controlling the blower on a forced air system independently of
the existing heat source (i.e. propane, electric, fuel oil, etc).
Nature’s Comfort can provide custom
diagrams for other types of control setups as well upon request.