What to Expect Following Installation
Homes that previously used Ion Exchange
(salt based water softeners
The immediate, noticeable difference following the
replacement of a salt based softener with
NaturalSof will be the “feel” of the water on your
skin when washing. Salt based softeners physically
remove minerals from the water. With water that
is low in minerals soaps lather very easily and it’s
harder to rinse from your hair and body. Some
note that salt based softened water has a “slimy”
feel to it. This is not the case with water treated
by NaturalSof as the contents of your water remain
the same.
Untreated homes or homes where previous
treatment was ineffective
In homes where no treatment has taken place in
the past or previous treatment has been
ineffective it’s very likely that limescale deposition
has occurred. Limescale accumulation will be
found in the pipe-work and in appliances such as
the water heater. Following installation of
NaturalSof, further limescale is prevented and
existing limescale is gradually washed from the
system. The gradual removal of existing limescale
can take several months and we recommend
draining a bucket of water from your water heater
every couple of weeks during the de-scaling