7. Selecting Yes, will start the Pairing sub-wizard. Selecting No, will return to the main wizard
start screen.
3.5 Serial Port Management
The Serial Port Management sub-wizard is used to add and remove
serial ports from the
system. Also, a modem is created and attached to each serial port that is added.
1. On the first page there are a list of currently available ports and two buttons for adding and
removing ports. To add a port, simply press the Add button.
2. On the next page, choose an available port from the combo box and press Next. Advanced
users may check the Advanced options check box to override the default options.
3. On the last page, a confirmation will be shown with either success or fail. If the creation
succeeded, press Finish to close the sub-wizard. The user will be instructed to reset the
device to complete the installation. If failed, press Cancel to exit the sub-wizard.
4. To remove a port, select an existing port on the first page of the sub-wizard and press the
Remove button.
5. A confirmation dialog will be shown instructing the user that the selected port will be remove.
Instructions will also be given that the modem connected to the port will be removed as well,
and that possible connections using that modem will be invalid afterwards. To continue, press
6. On the last page, a confirmation will be shown with either success or fail. If the creation
succeeded, press Finish to close the sub-wizard. The user will be instructed to reset the
device to complete the uninstallation. If failed, press Cancel to exit the sub-wizard.
3.6 Local Configuration
The Local Configuration sub-wizard is used to configure your local device.
1. On the first page there is an edit box where you can enter a name (“friendly name”) which the
device will use to identify itself to other devices.
2. On the second page, the mode of the Bluetooth CF Card is set, i.e. if your local device can be
found by other devices (
) and if it should allow incoming connection requests
3. On the last page, the security options are set, i.e. if a PIN code is required at every
connection attempt (
) and if the links should be encrypted.
4. When pressing Finish on the last page, all changes are written to the registry. Pressing
Cancel will discard all changes.