Charging Operation
Charging of a battery not connected to a vehicle.
a) Before connecting or disconnecting the battery
leads, the AC power cord should be removed from
the mains.
b) Connect the red clamp or M6 eyelet terminal to
the positive (+) terminal of the battery and the
black clamp or eyelet terminal to the negative
(-) terminal.
Connect charger to the mains.
Select charging mode (6V or 12V).
Charging of a negatively earthed battery:
Connect the red clamp or eyelet terminal (+) to the
identified positive (
+) terminal of the battery and the
black clamp or eyelet terminal (-) to the vehicle chassis.
Make sure the black clamp or eyelet terminal
connection has no contact with the fuel line.
Charging of a positively earthed battery:
Connect the black clamp or eyelet terminal (-) to the
negative (-) pole of the battery and the red clamp or
eyelet terminal (+) to the vehicle chassis.
Make sure the red clamp or terminal (
+) pole
connection has no contact with the fuel line or the
Charging of a permanently installed battery in a vehicle.
a) Before connecting or disconnecting the battery leads,
the power cord should be removed from the mains.
b) Check polarity of the battery terminals. A positive
battery terminal (+) usually has a larger diameter
than a negative (-) battery terminal.
c) Identify the terminal of the battery which is connected
to the chassis (earth). Normally the negative terminal
is connected to the chassis.
d) In some cases the battery is installed in a vehicle in
such a manner as to be inaccessible. The user would
then have to use the vehicle chassis as a connection
point. The positive charge point is normally clearly
identified with a red protection cap.
Alternatively, one can purchase an extension connector
to reach the inaccessable battery (see page 10)