Appendix F
Modifying and Installing I/O Expansion Boards
National Instruments Corporation
VXIpc 800/700 Series User Manual
As an alternative, you can modify the blank panels provided with
the VXIpc-800. Custom panel design services are available from
National Instruments for a nominal fee.
PEM nut or a 4-40 nut with lock washer (hole diameter should
be 0.125 in. [3.18 mm]).
4-40 x 1/4 in. stainless steel panhead screw.
Installation Steps
Follow these steps to install the expansion board.
Notice that the VXIpc-800 includes one card guide that can be
rotated to secure the top of either a PCI or an ISA plug-in board.
You may use the card guide in either of two locations, depending
on the length of your installed board. Notice the possible locations
as shown previously (Figures F-2 and F-3 for the VXIpc-850, or
Figures F-5 and F-6 for the VXIpc-860). Loosen the screw holding
the guide and rotate the guide to the uppermost position for PCI
boards or the lowermost position for ISA boards. See Figure F-7.
Replace the manufacturer-supplied panel bracket with the custom
bracket. The two holes in the bracket align with existing holes in
the VXIpc-800 front panel.
Seat the board firmly in one of the expansion bus connectors.
Attach the board to the front panel with the two screws. You can
use a PEM nut on the back (far) side of the bracket, or a 4-40 nut
with a lock washer (hole diameter should be 0.125 in.). In either
case, use a 4-40 x 1/4 in. stainless steel panhead screw to mount the
board/bracket assembly to the front panel.
Figure F-7. PCI Board and ISA Board Installed in a VXIpc-800
a. PCI Board Installed
b. ISA Board Installed