NI 9219E Operating Instructions and Specifications
Conversion time, no channels in TC mode
High speed.................................. 10 ms for all channels
Best 60 Hz rejection ................... 110 ms for all channels
Best 50 Hz rejection ................... 130 ms for all channels
High resolution ........................... 500 ms for all channels
Conversion time, one or more channels in TC mode
High speed.................................. 20 ms for all channels
Best 60 Hz rejection ................... 120 ms for all channels
Best 50 Hz rejection ................... 140 ms for all channels
High resolution ........................... 510 ms for all channels
Overvoltage protection
Terminals 1 and 2 ....................... ±30 V
Terminals 3 through 6,
across any combination .............. ±60 V
Digital In
0–60 V
Open Contact
1.05 k
Nominal Range(s)
Actual Range(s)
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