What Should I Do if the Device Does Not Initialize?
Failure to initialize may indicate a problem with module interconnections or with MAX. If the
niRFSA Initialize VI or the
function returns an error and the NI 5661 fails to
initialize, complete the following steps:
Reconnect the NI 5661 hardware module front panel cables securely.
Power on your system and run the MAX configuration and self-test procedures.
Related Information
Interconnecting the NI 5661 Modules
Configuring the NI 5661 in MAX
on page 14
What Should I Do if the NI 5600 RF Downconverter STATUS
LED Does Not Light?
If the RF vector signal analyzer is programmed to lock to an external reference source or to
the PXI backplane but the STATUS LED light does not indicate a phase-locked status, verify
the following items:
Verify that a cable is connected from the external source or the PXI 10 MHZ I/O
connector to the FREQ REF IN connector.
Verify that the external source signal is large enough—typically greater than -10 dBm.
Verify the external source signal falls within the specified frequency accuracy.
If you programmed the RF vector signal analyzer to use the NI 5600 RF downconverter
module internal timebase, verify the following items:
Verify that one or more of the local oscillators is phase-locked if the RF vector
signal analyzer measures the frequency incorrectly or detects no signal when one is
Verify that there is no driver software error and the LED is not damaged if the RF
vector signal analyzer measures the frequency correctly but the LED does not light.
What Should I Do if the NI 5142 IF Digitizer Module Does Not
Phase-Lock to the RF Downconverter Module?
If the IF digitizer module fails to phase-lock to the NI 5600 RF downconverter module
internal reference through the front panel, complete the following steps:
Verify that the cable is not faulty and that all cables are connected to the correct
Verify that there is a reference signal output from the NI 5600 10 MHZ OUT front panel
If there is no signal at these output terminals, contact NI technical support or visit
NI PXI-5661 Getting Started Guide