Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your PCI/PXI-6810 SDA
National Instruments Corporation
Software Programming Choices
You have several options to choose from when programming your
National Instruments SDA hardware. You can use National Instruments
application software such as LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI,
ComponentWorks, with the National Instruments SDA instrument
driver software. You can also use other third-party ADEs such as
Borland C/C++ and Microsoft Visual C/C++ to interface the SDA
software to standard Windows DLLs.
National Instruments Application Software
LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user
interface, and a powerful graphical programming language. The
LabVIEW SDA VI Library, a series of virtual instruments (VIs) for
using LabVIEW with National Instruments SDA hardware, is included
with your software kit.
LabWindows/CVI features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user
interface, and uses the ANSI standard C programming language.
The LabWindows/CVI SDA Library, a series of functions for using
LabWindows/CVI with National Instruments SDA hardware, is
included with your software kit.
You can also use ComponentWorks, a state-of-the-art user interface and
I/O component, compatible with many third-party ADEs.
Driver Software
The Serial Data Analyzer instrument driver software is included at no
charge with the 6810. The SDA driver software has an extensive library
of functions that you can call from your application programming
environment. These functions include transmitting and receiving serial
data streams. The SDA instrument driver software performs all
functions required for acquiring and saving serial data for analysis.
The SDA instrument driver software has functions for maximum
flexibility and performance. Examples of high-level functions include
those that acquire serial data analysis in single-shot or continuous mode
to a file. An example of a low-level function is one that configures a
serial data analysis sequence, since it requires advanced understanding
of the 6810 device and serial data analysis.