NI 9503 C Series Stepper Drive Modules and SoftMotion Module
© National Instruments
Additional UDVs and FPGA VI Loops
The Stepper Drive (with Encoder) example contains several additional UDVs and loops to
implement the new functionality. In addition to the UDVs described in Table 1, the Stepper
Drive (with Encoder) example uses the following new UDVs. Refer to
Adding User-Defined
Variables for Use With a UDV Axis
in the
SoftMotion Module Help
for more information about
each UDV.
Table 9.
Stepper Drive (with Encoder) Additional UDV Descriptions
UDV Name
Axis 1.DIO Control (Port A)
Contains the values of digital outputs 0 through 3 as well as
information to clear input latches for limits, home, and
digital inputs 0 through 3.
Axis 1.DIO Control (Port B)
Contains the values of digital outputs 4 through 7 as well as
information to enable position compare and position
capture operations and clear input latches for digital inputs
4 through 7.
Because the same digital input module is
used for digital inputs and for home and limit
connections, the Stepper Drive (with Encoder)
example only uses digital inputs 0 through 4. Digital
inputs 5 though 7 are not used in the example.
Axis 1.DIO Status (Port A)
Contains information used to report value and latching
information for limits, home, and digital inputs 0 through 3.
Axis 1.DIO Status (Port B)
Contains information used to report value and latching
information for position capture, position compare, and
digital inputs 4 through 7.
Axis 1.Position Feedback
Specifies the feedback position from the encoder.
Axis 1.Velocity Feedback
Returns the filtered encoder velocity.