National Instruments Corporation
output handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-15
output state machine (figure), 3-16
output timing diagram (figure), 3-17
asynchronous protocol, 3-12
burst protocol input timing
diagram, 3-5 to 3-11
default timing diagram (figure), 3-8
PCLK reversed (figure), 3-10
transfer example (figure), 3-6
burst protocol output timing
diagram, 3-5 to 3-11
default timing diagram (figure), 3-9
PCLK reversed (figure), 3-11
transfer example (figure), 3-6
comparing different protocols
(table), 3-4 to 3-5
leading-edge protocol, 3-29 to 3-34
input handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-29
input state machine (figure), 3-30
input timing diagram (figure), 3-31
output handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-32
output state machine (figure), 3-33
output timing diagram (figure), 3-34
level-ACK protocol, 3-18 to 3-23
input handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-18
input state machine (figure), 3-19
input timing diagram (figure), 3-20
output handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-21
output state machine (figure), 3-22
output timing diagram (figure), 3-23
long-pulse protocol, 3-35 to 3-40
input handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-35
input state machine (figure), 3-36
input timing diagram (figure), 3-37
output handshaking sequence
(figure), 3-38
output state machine (figure), 3-39
output timing diagram (figure), 3-40
signal edge-based protocols, 3-24
trailing-edge protocol, 3-25 to 3-28
input state machine (figure), 3-25
input timing diagram (figure), 3-26
output state machine (figure), 3-27
output timing diagram (figure), 3-28
hardware, D-1 to D-11
block diagrams
AT-DIO-32HS, D-1
DAQCard-6533 for PCMCIA, D-2
PCI/PXI-7030/6533, and
PXI-6533, D-3
PCI/PXI-6534, D-4
cable selection and termination,
D-6 to D-9
Schottky-diode termination
scheme, D-7 to D-9
transmission line terminations
(figure), D-8
Mac OS, 1-9
Windows, 1-8 to 1-9
AT-DIO-32HS, 1-7 to 1-8
DAQCard-6533 for PCMCIA, 1-8
PCI-DIO-32HS, PCI-6534, or
PCI-7030/6533 devices, 1-6 to 1-7
PXI-6533, PXI-6534, or
PXI-7030/6533 devices, 1-7
software, 1-5
unpacking 653
devices, 1-5 to 1-6
power connections, D-5 to D-6
power-on state, D-5
RTSI and PXI trigger bus interfaces,
D-10 to D-11