IMAQ Vision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
spatial resolution
The number of pixels in an image, in terms of the number of rows and
columns in the image.
square function
square root function
standard representation
Contains the low-frequency information at the corners and high-frequency
information at the center of an FFT-transformed image.
structuring element
A binary mask used in most morphological operations. A structuring
element is used to determine which neighboring pixels contribute in the
sub-pixel analysis
Finds the location of the edge coordinates in terms of fractions of a pixel.
Color, shape, or pattern that you are trying to match in an image using the
color matching, shape matching, or pattern matching functions. A template
can be a region selected from an image or it can be an entire image.
Alters the shape of objects by adding parts to the object that match the
pattern specified in the structuring element.
Alters the shape of objects by eliminating parts of the object that match the
pattern specified in the structuring element.
Separates objects from the background by assigning all pixels with
intensities within a specified range to the object and the rest of the pixels to
the background. In the resulting binary image, objects are represented with
a pixel intensity of 255 and the background is set to 0.
threshold interval
Two parameters, the lower threshold gray-level value and the upper
threshold gray-level value.
Tagged Image File Format. Image format commonly used for encoding
8-bit, 16-bit, and color images (extension TIF).
Tools palette
Collection of tools that enable you to select regions of interest, zoom in and
out, and change the image palette.