Chapter 2
© National Instruments Corporation
GPIB-130 User Manual
Push the other phono-jack connector of the special power cord into the 5VDC jack of the
National Instruments interface board.
Turn the phono-jack connector so that it screws into the threading on the 5VDC jack on
the interface board.
Plug in the power cord of the computer and turn on the computer.
Connect the transmission cable to both GPIB-130s.
Slide the power switch of both extenders to the on position.
The GPIB-130 extension is now operational.
Connecting to Hewlett-Packard Controllers
To achieve very high data transfer rates and long cable spans between devices, many HP
Controllers and computers, such as the 64000 series, use a preload technique on the unit
designated Master Controller. When preloaded, the GPIB lines of the Master Controller are
terminated to represent six device loads. HP has two types of preloading: Class A, in which all
16 GPIB lines are loaded, and Class B, in which all lines, except NRFD and NDAC lines, are
Preloading increases ringing on signal transitions and can cause improper operation of the
GPIB-130s. If this happens, set all signals on the Master Controller to normal (1 unit) load. This
is done using a back panel switch on your HP Controller. In addition, you must also strictly
conform to the cabling rule of no more than two meters per device.