National Instruments Corp.
FP-CTR-500 and cFP-CTR-500
Refer to the FieldPoint product label for regulatory
certification under hazardous location standards. If the
FieldPoint product is not certified for operation in hazardous
locations, do not operate it in an explosive atmosphere or
where there may be flammable gases or fumes.
The following specifications are typical for a range of
–40 to 70 °C, unless otherwise noted.
Input Characteristics
Number of channels.......................... 12 (8 count, 4 gate)
Input type .......................................... 10–30 VDC sinking,
compatible with most 12 and
24 VDC devices
Maximum input voltage.................... 30 VDC
Input threshold level
ON state
10 V
OFF state
6 V
Input current limiting........................ 5 mA maximum
Input bandwidth
Count inputs ............................... 50 kHz; 200 Hz with
software-enabled lowpass
Gate inputs.................................. 50 kHz
Maximum off-state leakage
current for external devices............... 0.2 mA
Output Characteristics
Number of channels.......................... 4
Output type ....................................... 10–30 VDC sourcing,
compatible with most 12 or
24 VDC devices
Supply voltage .................................. 10–30 VDC, user-provided
The operating range of the cFP-CTR-500 is –40 to 60 °C.