National Instruments Corporation
FieldPoint FP-3000 User Manual
SP_LO_LIM parameter, C-20
SP_RATE_DN parameter, C-20
SP_RATE_UP parameter, C-20
STAT (FieldPoint Statistics Block) function
block, 4-4
status and mode behavior during cascade
initialization, D-2 to D-3
status handling, 4-8 to 4-10
Limit subfield values (table), 4-10
Quality subfields (table), 4-9
Substatus field, 4-9
flashes and error conditions (table), 2-14
operation, 2-13
STATUS_OPTS parameter (table), C-21
STRATEGY parameter, C-22
ST_REV parameter, C-20
Substatus field, 4-9
TAG_DESC parameter, C-22
assigning address and device tag at initial
power on, 3-1
assigning tag to new block
converting pressure sensor to
Fieldbus (example), 3-3
temperature control with FP-3000
controlling heating element,
PID control, 3-13
taking temperature readings, 3-7
setting device tag and network
address, B-1
Target modes (table), 4-10 to 4-11, C-14
technical support, F-1 to F-2. See also
telephone and fax support numbers, F-2
temperature control with FP-3000, 3-6 to 3-17
alarming, 3-15 to 3-17
controlling heating element, 3-10 to 3-12
assigning tag to new block, 3-10
bringing block online, 3-12
instantiating FP-AO-200 block, 3-10
scaling output, 3-11 to 3-12
selecting module and channel, 3-11
setting output range, 3-11
setting up scheduling, 3-12
getting started, 3-6 to 3-7
PID control, 3-13 to 3-14
assigning tag to new block, 3-13
connecting PID to AI and AO
blocks, 3-14
downloading and bringing loop into
Auto, 3-14 to 3-15
instantiating PID block, 3-13
scaling the PID, 3-13
tuning the PID, 3-15
taking temperature readings, 3-7 to 3-10
assigning tag to new block, 3-7
bringing block online, 3-10
creating FP-TC-120 block, 3-7
scaling the reading, 3-8 to 3-9
selecting module and channel, 3-7
setting input range and thermocouple
type, 3-8
setting up scheduling, 3-9
terminal bases
with DIN rail mounting, 2-5 to 2-6
with panel mounting, 2-7 to 2-8
mounting I/O modules onto, 2-8
TEST_RW parameter, C-22
TIME_STAMP alarm parameter, 4-8
TRK_IN_D parameter, C-22
TRK_SCALE parameter, C-22
TRK_VAL parameter, C-22
troubleshooting, B-1 to B-6
Fieldbus communication problems
overview, B-1