FieldPoint System Configuration Form
Record the settings and revisions of your hardware and software on the line to the right of each item.
Complete a new copy of this form each time you revise your software or hardware configuration, and
use this form as a reference for your current configuration. Completing this form accurately also helps
us to answer your questions more efficiently.
Host Computer
Computer brand ________________ Model ________________ Processor __________________
Operating system (include version number) ____________________________________________
Clock speed ______MHz RAM _____MB
Display adapter __________________________
Mouse ___yes ___no Mouse type _________________________________________________
National Instruments application software product ______________________ Version _________
Other application software product ___________________________________ Version ________
National Instruments server _________________________________________ Version ________
Other installed software that may use serial ports _______________________________________
Serial adapter (COM port or adapter card) used ________________________________________
Configuration _________________________________________________________________
Serial driver ______________________________________________________ Version _______
Configuration _________________________________________________________________
Serial port timeout value _____________ ms
Number of FieldPoint banks _______
FieldPoint Software
List the applications and/or servers that you are using with the FieldPoint hardware ____________
COM Port
Baud Rate
Data Bits/Stop Bits/
Serial Hardware That
Uses This Port