Chapter 3
Ethernet Configuration
National Instruments Corporation
ENET-232 and ENET-485 Series User Manual
network must be the same. If your subnet mask is
, only the
first two numbers in the IP addresses on the network must match.
For either subnet mask, numbers between 1 and 254 are valid choices for
the last number of the IP address. Numbers between 0 and 255 are valid for
the third number of the IP address, but this number must be the same as
other devices on your network if your subnet mask is
If you are setting up your own network, you probably do not have a gateway
or DNS server, so you should set these values to
Verifying the Hostname
NI Ethernet device configuration automatically verifies that the hostname
for each DHCP-enabled device matches the DNS entry for the assigned IP
address. This verification process automatically occurs when you either run
the utility or click
. The utility alerts you as shown below if it
detects a problem with the network settings.
Figure 3-4.
Hostname Verification Error Detected