National Instruments Corporation
cRIO-9012/9014 Operating Instructions and Specifications
The position of the SAFE MODE switch determines whether the embedded
LabVIEW Real-Time engine launches when the controller boots. If the
switch is in the OFF position, the LabVIEW Real-Time engine launches.
Keep this switch in the OFF position during normal operation. If the switch
is in the ON position when the controller boots, the controller launches only
the essential services required for updating its configuration and installing
software. The LabVIEW Real-Time engine does not launch.
If the software on the controller is corrupted, you must put the controller
into safe mode and reformat the controller drive. You can put the controller
into safe mode by powering it up either with the SAFE MODE switch in
the ON position or with no software installed on the drive. Refer to the
Measurement & Automation Explorer Help
for more information about
installing software on a controller and reformatting the drive on the
With a serial-port terminal program, you can use the CONSOLE OUT
switch to read the IP address and firmware version of the controller. Use a
null-modem cable to connect the serial port on the controller to a computer.
Push the switch to the ON position. Make sure that the serial-port terminal
program is configured to the following settings:
9,600 bits per second
Eight data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
The serial-port terminal program displays the IP address and firmware
version of the controller, and alerts you when you connect an unsupported
USB device to the controller. Keep this switch in the OFF position during
normal operation.
Push the IP RESET switch to the ON position and reboot the controller to
reset the IP address of the controller to
. If the controller is on your
local subnet and the IP RESET switch is in the ON position, the controller
appears in MAX with IP address
. You can configure a new
IP address for the controller in MAX. Refer to the
Resetting the Network
Configuration of the Controller
section for more information about
resetting the IP address. You also can push this switch to the ON position
to unlock a controller that was previously locked in MAX.
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