National Instruments Corporation
I -3
BNC-2090 User Manual
NRSE input mode configuration, 2-2
operating environment, A-2
optional equipment, 1-2
parts location (figure), 2-1
PC-LPM-16, using with the BNC-2090, B-1
analog I/O, B-1
BNC-2090 switch configurations
(figure), B-1
digital I/O, B-2
signal names and BNC-2090
connector labels (table), B-2
physical specifications, A-1
power requirements, A-1
power selection switch, 2-3
rack mounting, 2-6
related documentation,
RSE input mode configuration, 2-2
boards, 1-2, 2-7
connected to MIO (figure), 2-8
connected to BNC-2090 (figure), 2-9
schematic for DACs (figure), 2-13
SE input
BNC-2090 mode configurations, 2-2
ground-referenced signal sources, 2-12
nonreferenced (or floating) signal
sources, 2-12
shield ground jumper, 2-3
settings (table), 2-4
accessing jumper on BNC-2090
(figure), 2-5
signal conditioning components, 2-5
adding to the BNC-2090, 3-1
disassembly of the BNC-2090, 3-2
soldering and desoldering on
the BNC-2090, 3-3
signal conditioning examples, 3-3
analog input, 3-3
building attenuators, 3-8
DIFF inputs (figure), 3-9
building highpass filters, 3-6
DIFF channel 1 (figure), 3-8
normalized frequency response
(figure), 3-7
building lowpass filters, 3-5
DIFF channel 1 (figure), 3-6
normalized frequency response
(figure), 3-5
channel component positions
(table), 3-3
onboard equivalent circuit for DIFF
mode (figure), 3-4
analog output, 3-10
(figure), 3-11
building lowpass filters, 3-11
DAC0OUT (figure), 3-12
building highpass filters, 3-12
DAC0OUT (figure), 3-12
signal connections, 2-9
connector labels (table), 2-9
analog inputs, 2-11
ground-referenced signal
sources, 2-12
DIFF inputs, 2-12
SE inputs, 2-12
nonreferenced (or floating) signal
sources, 2-11
DIFF inputs, 2-11
SE inputs, 2-12
analog outputs, 2-13
signal sources
floating, 2-11
ground-referenced, 2-12
nonreferenced, 2-11
soldering and desoldering on the
BNC-2090, 3-3