Combining two or three cards
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Combining two or three cards
Accumulate Points
Operation for accumulating points
If a member has more than two cards, the cards can be combined
with one card, and the points are accumulated. (Max 3 Cards
Press on stand-by mode, and select “3.Accumulated
Points” in Function Menu.
The following message will be shown.
Insert a card to be accumulated.
Insert the first card, and
The following message will be shown.
After the first card was accumulated, it will be ejected as
an unusable card, and then CRW is wating for next card.
In case of combinig two cards, after inserting the next
card, press
In case insert the third card, the screen will be moved to
a screen for confirmation automatically.
The following message will be shown.
Insert Card To Be
MAX 3 Cards
Max 3 cards can be combined.
Accumulated Points
Insert Next
Quit: Del
OK: Enter
READ 1 Card MAX 3
Accumulated Points
Insert Last
Quit: Del
OK: Enter
READ 3 Cards MAX 3
The number of read cards will be shown