The frame Schedule for MODEM works in the following way:
- in the blank part near the written Tel#, you have to add the telephone number of the modem connected
to the PC, this just in case you want the area monitor originates an automatic call to the computer
- in the part Time, you have to decide when the modem has to be switched ON
- in the part Stand By, you have to decide for how many quarters of hours, starting from the hours of
switching ON, the modem has to stay in stand by
- in the part Every, you have to decide the interval, expressed in hours, from every switching ON
in the picture the modem will be switched ON at 12:05 and it will stay switched ON, in stand by mode,
for 4 quarters of hours.
This means that for 60 minutes starting from the 12:05, the modem is ready to be called or to originate
an automatic call to a computer
I can do this operation every 24 hours, always for 60 minutes, always starting from the 12:05
- Originate CALL has to be set to ON only in case the area monitor has to contact the computer in
automatic way