Exactly for the previous passage, if the answer is YES, a window will be opened where it is possible
to enter the Setting PASSWORD for the management of the Field Monitors. If the answer is NO, the
program will allow to enter the password later. The User can enter any sequence of alphanumerical
characters. We recommend to take a note of the setting PASSWORD entered.
For additional information or problems, consult the User’s manual chapter 7
Every time you have to modify a field, the Terminal Password or the Setting Password
will be requested by the software.
At the beginning, for the first setting operations, it would be helpful to leave these
password blank, simply pressing enter on the keyboard.
Set a password only after all your area monitors will be correctly set, and just in case
you need to have an higher security level
After entering the Terminal Password needed to ensure the secure management of the Field Monitors
(Station identifier, telephone number, automatic downloads, automatic text file creation…), the soft-
ware asks to enter a Setting PASSWORD which is needed to edit the parameter settings on the Field
Monitors to be queried (alarm settings, storing rate, frequency bands, firmware upgrading…).