- With a smaller Air Dome, your voice is likely to sound
more natural.
- With a larger closed dome, you may feel like you’re speaking
in a barrel.
- Always start with trying smallest to largest Air Domes. Then,
try smallest to largest closed domes.
Dome Selection Guide
Dome is too tight
Try a smaller Air Dome.
Try a smaller closed dome.
Dome is too loose/
Dome slips in ear
with jaw movement
Try a larger Air Dome.
Try a larger closed dome.
Select Dome
Step 2: Select Dome
It may take some time experimenting with various domes to
find the one that best suits your ears and listening preference.
A dome can affect comfort, the way your voice sounds, and
overall amplified sound. For your convenience, small, medium
and large Air Domes and closed domes are included with your
Nano Hearing Aids.
Place the hearing aid (powered on) in your ear (reference page
31) with the dome attached. Open and close your jaw with a
chewing motion several times to ensure hearing aid doesn’t
move out of your ear. Use the guide below to help select
another dome if necessary.
Keep in mind:
Select Dome