background image

6. F ac to ry R es et Man u ally

S tep 1

: S hort press the  “progra m” button 5 times continuously, the plug will enter into network pa iring mode. 

8. F in d an d B in d Mo de

S tep 1

: S hort press “P rog.” button 3 times to sta rt Find a nd Bind mode ( LE D indica tor fla shes white slowly) to 

find a nd bind ta rget node, 180 seconds timeout, repea t the opera tion.

S tep 2

: S et the remote or touch pa nel ( ta rget node) i nto find a nd bind mode, a nd ena ble it 

to find a nd bind initia tor, plea se refer to corresponding remote or touch pa nel ma nua l.

S tep 3

: T here sha ll be indica tion on the remote or touch pa nel tha t it bind the device 

successfully a nd ca n control it then.

< 10cm

Z igbee

R emote

S tep 1

: R e- power on the device to sta rt TouchLink C ommissioning, 180 seconds timeout, repea t the opera tion.

7 . F ac to ry R es et th ro u gh a Zigbee Remo te ( To u c h R es et)

No te

: Ma ke sure the device a lrea dy a dded to a n etwork, the remote a dded to the sa me one or not added to a ny 


S tep 2

: Bring the remote or touch pa nel within 10cm of the lighting device.

S tep 3

: S et the remote or touch pa nel into Touch R eset procedure to reset the 

device, plea se refer to corresponding remote or touch pa nel ma nua l to lea rn how.

Z igbee

R emote

S tep 2

: LE D indica tor will fla sh white 

fa st and the plug will try to join a 

Z igbee network. 

9. L earn in g to a Z igbee G reen P o wer S witc h

S tep 2

: S et the green power 

switch into Lea rning mode, 
plea se refer to its ma nua l.

Z igbee

G reen P ower

S witch

S tep 3

: LE D indica tor will 

fla sh twice to indica te 
successful lea rning. T hen 
the switch ca n control the 

S tep 1

: S hort press “P rogra m” button 4 times to sta rt Lea rning to G P switch mode ( LE D indica tor fla shes twice) , 

180 seconds timeout, repea t the opera tion.

No te: E ac h d evic e c an l earn to 

max. 2 0 zigbee g reen p o wer s witc h es .

10. Delete Learning to a Zigbee Green Power Switch

S tep 2 :

 S et the pa ired green power switch into 

Lea rning mode, plea se refer to its ma nua l.

Z igbee

G reen P ower

S witch

S tep 3

: LE D indica tor will 

fla sh 4 times to indica te 
successful deleting. 

Step 1

: S hort press “P rogra m” button 3 times to sta rt delete Lea rning to G P switch mode ( LE D indica tor fla shes 

slowly) , 180 seconds timeout, repea t the opera tion.

AC Power


S tep 4

: T here sha ll be indica tion 

on the remote for successful reset 

a nd LE D indica tor of the plug will 

fla sh white 3 times.  

5. R emo ved fro m a Z igbee Netwo rk th ro u gh C o o rdin ato r o r H u b I n terfac e 

F rom your Z igBee controller or hub interfa ce, choose to delete or reset the 

lighting device a s instructed. LE D indica tor of the plug blinks white 3 times to 

indica te successful reset.

No te:  M ake s u re b o th th e d evic e an d r emo te are added to th e s ame g ateway th at s u ppo rts f in d an d b in d.
