GTbz232, REGGAE GTbz485, REGGAE eps GTbz232 and
REGGAE eps GTbz485 are devices which allow the rece-
ipt of messages and occurrences from security centrals
Electronic Security System (AS) and Electronic Fire System
(FAS) and they also allow transmission by different com-
munication channels to Alarm Receiving Centres (ARC)
AS panels receive messages via telephone line Messages
from FAS panels are received via serial ports Reception
of occurrences is ensured by insulated inputs Communi-
cators also generate several occurrences of inner states
Messages and occurrences are then transmitted to ARC
by GPRS channel or via SMS (GSM channel)
The phone unit in communicators REGGAE GT, REGGAE
GTbz/GTbzxxx and REGGAE eps is capable of communi-
cation with AS panels in all common pulses and DTMF
formats Receipt of dialled phone numbers from AS may
be pulse or DTMF Communicators are capable of detecti-
ng a fault on the line of public switched telecommunica-
tions networks (PSTN) and are capable of disconnecting
this network whilst continuing to receive messages from
AS and transmitting them to ARC via GPRS channel
Configuration of the communicators can be done remo-
tely via GPRS channel, or locally via serial port
Diagnostics of operating and fault states of the commu-
nicators can be done locally via serial port or remotely via
GPRS channel
Communication between REGGAE GT or REGGAE GTbz/
GTbzxxx and REGGAE eps GTbzxxx and ARC takes place
in both directions with confirmation of receipt from ARC
Connection between communicators and ARC is regular-
ly checked during message transmission via GPRS cha-
nnel Communication failure is reported to ARC
Communicator REGGAE GTbz is a version of communica-
tor REGGAE GT supplemented by a REGGAE power sour-
ce and placed into a case
Communicator REGGAE GTbz232 is a version of commu-
nicator REGGAE GTbz supplemented by insulated serial
interface module RS232
Communicator REGGAE GTbz485 is a version of commu-
nicator REGGAE GTbz supplemented by insulated serial
interface module RS422/485
Communicators REGGAE GTbzxxx receives messages
from FAS panels via serial line through third-party con-
verters Third-party converters transforms messages
from FAS panels to the format DTX
Communicators REGGAE eps GTbzxxx have the message
receipting from the FAS panels implemented over the se-
rial line directly without using the third-party converters
Communicators REGGAE GTbzxxx and REGGAE eps
GTbzxxx do not differentiate in hardware Communica-
tors REGGAE GTbzxxx and REGGAE eps GTbzxxx do diffe-
rentiate only in installed firmware and configuration
Further in the manual there are described communica-
tors REGGAE GTbzxxx The description is common also
for communicators REGGAE eps GTbzxxx
Communicator for GSM (GPRS/SMS) transmission