SHOUT ts User Guide Version B
Document Number: 451-92854-001B
23 of 62
Table 1: Status Symbols
Denotes the Iridium transceiver is off. To preserve battery life, the Iridium
transceiver is only turned on when transmitting a message or position report;
thus, a diagonal line is drawn over the symbol when off.
Denotes either: (1) the Iridium transceiver is on with real-time signal strength
represented by the number of vertical bars or (2) SBD message transmission is
in progress. The signal strength can range from the lowest of zero to the
highest of five bars. During transmission the antenna must have a clear view of
the sky. The SHOUT ts cannot send messages or reports from inside a building.
Denotes the GPS receiver is off. The GPS receiver is always kept off to preserve
battery life until time, date, or position information is needed.
Denotes the GPS receiver is on with real-time satellite acquisition status
represented by the number of vertical bars.
One bar represents valid time and date fix.
Two bars represent 2D fix or dead reckoning.
Three bars represent 3D fix with HDOP higher than 2.0.
Four bars represent 3D fix with HDOP less than 2.0.
Although the SHOUT ts’ GPS receiver can often obtain a location fix when the
antenna is partially blocked (near buildings, in a room next to a window, etc.),
the antenna must have a clear view of the sky to minimize acquisition time,
provide better position accuracy, and reduce power consumption.
Battery indicator.
Denotes the battery is being charged by an external power source.
Denotes all audio alerts are off.
Denotes audio alert is on.
Denotes one or more unread messages are in the Inbox.
Denotes one or more messages are in the Outbox ready to be sent or one or
more messages in queue failed to send.
is on when the symbol is bright white. The symbol turns
dimmed gray when geofence tracking is off. The geofence symbol does not
appear when there are no fences saved into the device.
Call Out
is on when the symbol is bright white. The symbol turns
dimmed gray when Call Out is off. The Call Out symbol does not appear when
there are no Call Out times saved into the device.