GT20 Swing Door Owners Manual
Part #C-00170
Rev. 8-29-17
6 of 10
Multiple Sensors installed close to each other, or facing each other
Within 197” (5m)
DN 1569
SECTION 7.4: Daily Safety Check
If the Swing Door will not be used for at least (1) month, it is recommended to turn Power OFF to the Unit.
In order to guarantee reliability of the installation, any components showing signs of wear must be replaced
as a preventive measure.
If a Sensor is not working, the door may swing toward you without stopping.
Attention: In the event any type of object needs to be removed from a Sensor Safety Zone (vicinity), the Sensor
must “relearn” the zone before resuming normal operation. Relearn may take a minute or two.
The best time to perform a Daily Safety Check is early in the morning while pedestrian traffic is still restricted from Sensor
activating zones. The purpose of a Daily Sensor Check is to ensure pedestrian safety and Owner protection.
7.4.1 Swing Door and Floor Area
1. Ensure the Power Breaker is switched ON. Do not switch Power Breaker ON and OFF too quickly.
2. Ensure the Power Switch is set to “ON”.
3. Activate the Swing Door.
1. Door should open at a slow smooth pace (4 or more seconds), and stop without impact.
2. Door must remain fully open for a minimum of (5 seconds) before beginning to close.
3. Door should close at a slow, smooth pace (4 or more seconds), and stop without impact.
4. Inspect the floor area. It should be clean with no loose parts that might cause user to trip or fall. Keep traffic path clear.
5. Inspect door’s overall condition. The appropriate signage should be present and hardware should be in good
6. Remove anything that does not belong in the path of the Swing door. There should be no bulletin boards, literature
racks, merchandise displays, or other attractions in the door area that would interfere with use of the door or invite
people to stop or stand in the door area.
7. Ensure the Header Cover, and all other hardware is properly secured.
8. Check for damaged or missing Weathering.
9. If Equipped: Test Emergency Break Out. In Break Out mode, the door must not activate. Call your supplier for details.
10. Have the Low Energy automatic door system inspected at least annually by an AAADM certified inspector.
7.4.2 Sensor Check for Activating Side of Swing Door
1. Walk toward the Swing Door at a normal pace. At about (4) feet away the Swing Door should start to open:
1. The opening time of a Swing Door to 80 degrees shall not be less than 1.5 seconds.
2. Door must remain fully open for a minimum of (1.5 seconds) after loss of detection.
3. Closing time to Latch Check shall be a minimum of (2 seconds).
4. Latch Check shall occur no less than 10 degrees, and the door shall close from that point no less than 1.5 seconds.
2. Stand motionless on the Threshold for at least (4) seconds. The door should not contact the pedestrian.
3. Stop in the Swing path and pause (10) seconds. The door should not contact the pedestrian.