1. Remove the pad driver assembly
by removing the four bolts with a 7/16”
wrench or socket.
2. Hold the jam nut, located between
the flywheel and motor, in place with a
15/16” open-end wrench. Using a mal-
let, tap the flywheel counter-clockwise
to loosen.
3. Remove the plastic plug from the
top of the motor and hold the motor
shaft in place by inserting a flathead
screw- driver into the top of the shaft
on top of the motor. Loosen the fly-
wheel the rest of the way off with the
other hand.
4. Apply Anti-Sieze to the motor shaft.
To install the new flywheel, hold the
motor shaft in place with the flathead
screwdriver just like before and thread
the new flywheel on with the other
hand until it stops at the jam nut.
5. Use the 15/16” wrench to hold the
jam nut in place and use a mallet to
strike the flywheel counterweight to
tighten the flywheel against the jam
6. Apply Blue Loctite
to the pad
driver bolts and bolt it back onto the
4.2 - Flywheel Replacement
These instructions cover how to remove and replace the
flywheel assembly on ECO-17 and ECO-13 models.
Tools Needed:
• 7/16” open-end wrench or
• 15/16”open-end wrench
• Soft-face dead blow
• Anti-Sieze
• Flathead screwdriver
• Blue Loctite