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myPhone Hammer AXE LTE
One short press activates the advanced options of the menu or additional, e.g.
for the desktop screen the options are as follows:
Scroll effect,
Smart effect,
Add widgets.
One quick press takes you to the desktop screen,
Pressing and holding the button for approx. 2 sec. takes you to view of the list of
currently open applications.
Pressing the button causes the exit from the application / return to the previous
On/off/lock button
One quick press causes: lock / unlock of the screen.
Pressing and holding the button for approx. 2 sec. causes:
If the phone is switched off – turning on the device
If the phone is switched on - calling menu allows you to turn off the
device, restart your system, enable / disable airplane mode or rapid
changes in sound profile.
Volume up/down button
Pressing during the voice call causes increase or decrease of the call volume.
Pressing during audio play of an incoming phone call dampens ringtones.
Pressing the home screen, in the absence of active connections, increases or
decreases the ringtone volume or change the sound of phone’s profile to "silent"
or "vibrate only".
Pressing in other applications, controls the volume of music, spoken directions
or other sounds.
SOS button
Pressing this button will turn the menu with SOS settings. After configuring these
settings, pressing this button another time will cause the phone call to the selected
emergency number or send the SMS.
SOS button
Pressing this type of application will open the PTT (push to talk) used to direct
communication with other users of this application.
Turning on/off the device
To turn on the device, press and hold (about 3 seconds) on / off button.