Close the drain stub and fill the spa with water
After closing the drain stub, and fill up the tub with soft water to theindicated line inside
of the body. If you see any leak(orflood) anywhere, stop the filling procedure until it will be
Power up your spa
First check the main house CIRCUIT INTERRUPTORy that controls the electricto the spa
are functioning properly. Then connect the spa plug to the power supply.
Trail open and test
your controller with a factory‘s first setup already. push the button of PUMP/JET andAIR
BLOWER to make jets run for some minutes to check the operations of the jetsystem and
purge any remaining air from the heating system. once the jet systemfully operational, prim-
ing of the spa is complete. Check and make sure the all aircontroller and all jets are open.
Possible symptom is an AIR LOCK on the first starting or when fills up with new
It can cause the jets to appear not work well or at all. It happens when you are filling the spa
up fairly rapidly, and air can get trapped in the pipe system that goes to the suction fittings
and to the jets. The water level rises up past the openings in the spa, but air becomes locked
in the pipes, and then when you start the spa pump, it tries to air bubble(s) still in water, but
only air is in the pipes. Sometimes the pump cannot prime itself at that point, so it just runs,
but does not pump any water.
Open the door of pump compartment.
Loosen the quick disconnectfitting (white rim on the pump) in front of the pump a
Let some air get in and it will break the air lock that has developed, and then see
some water start to come out.
Re-tighten the fitting.
Turn the pump on again. It will surge for a few seconds and then start to pump
If it still does not work, please contact a local spa professional to check it for you.