Water flow rate, display flow rate after clicking ready.
Water temperature:display the water temperature of machine.
Counter:display the total shots of handpiece
Hair removal target:Male,Female
Hair removal parts:A is mainly for neck
B is mainly for chest
C is
mainly for hip
D is mainly for leg
E is mainly for arm.
Laser Power: recommendation 40 percent to 80 percent.
Pulse Width:Pulse working time on the skin,recommendation one
hundred to one hundred and eighty millisecond.
Frequency: recommendation 4 to 6 hertz
Refrigeration: Control the skin cooling,turn red to cooling,turn green means
no cooling
Click ready to work, click standby to finish treatment
7.3 The wavelength of treatment tip
The machine is mainly used for hair removal; the output device is semiconductor
laser. The laser offering wavelength: 808 nm.
7.4 Clean the sapphire
Before and after every operation, use gauze or swab dipped in 75% medical
alcohol to wipe the sapphire surface 3-5 times.
Emergency switch: When the operation encounters emergency, press the red
emergency switch to shut down the machine. Lift the emergency switch clockwise,
the machine can return to normal.