"pdfFactory Pro"
1. In operation, in o rder t o maint ain sufficient ge l.
2.The ultraso und head should not stay out of work for to o lo ng time while outpu tting energy.
“pause” to stop working to avoid damage.
3. M50, M80 ultrasound h eads should not stay st ill at one part for t oo long time,
and do not use it on bones.
4, Please step on service brake the n there will be sound wave exist when using
M80 ultrasound head.
5, M80 u lt rasound head can not be used on the back, avoid on the bo nes, and daily ca re should
Be within 30 minutes every time.
6. Do not use on eyeba ll top , A dam' s apple, heart .Do not stay st ill on one part for to o lo ng.
Forbidden group
1.Peo ple who has fever, inf ect ious diseases, acut e diseases.
2. People with heart disease or co nfigured cardiac p acemaker.
3. Patients with severe high blood pressure, tumor disease, asthma, deep vein thrombosis,
Varix, t hyroid ,cancer, falling sickness.
4. People with hemorrhagic disease, trauma, vascular rupt ure, skin inflammation, skin disease.
5.Pregnant women
6. Do not use at the abdomen durin g men strual period
7. Medical P lastic p art s, or part s with metal inside
8. People with an abnormal immune syst em