"pdfFactory Pro"
Basic Operation
P lace annex well and connect to mainframe.
Insert M80 ult rasound head to [1 ].
Insert medium supersonic he ad to[2].
Insert small supersonic head to [3].
2. Connect power line [8],t urn on General power switch[ 7].
3. Press[ 5] fu ction sele ct bu tton, move to the right place ,the light will shining, press
[4] .Sett ing funct ion s,work t ime,work mode and output intensity, press [8] start working.
4. During operation, if you want to change to o ther functions within the sett ing time, please
press [6] first, and press [5] to change.
5. Turn off the General power switch, unplug the power line when finished. Sterilize the used
Work h ead.
Functions and operation
M80 u ltrasound h ead
1. Applied gel on fleshy part s(eg.abdomen,hip,t high) The amount depends on moving flexibili
of the ultrasoun d head.
2.Set work time(10 min every part),Adjust output int ensity(1 weak~5 strong).
“Start”, put the service brake under your feet, step on to start working, move away for pause
4. Beautician hold t he ultrasound h ead to move slowly on skin, in circle or beeline repeatly,the
other han d push the fat towards t he ultrasound head.
5.Do not use o n back,aviod using on bones.
6.Do not use o n uterus part when women do abdomen care. Abdomen treatment during
Menst ruat e shou ld b e avoided.
* Enough gel are needed, you may feel painful if medium is not enough.
* The total treat ment time for daily care should be within 30 min.
7.The machine will pau se aut omat ically if th e set ting time is over.
8.Clean the lef tovers wit h hot t owel, use warm towel to clean the ultrasou nd head.