Ultrasound: Face
Ultrasonic facial beauty instrument is based on the theory of high frequency vibration.
It reaches deep into the subcutaneous tissues, 4-6 mm to be exact, with the strong
vibration wave of 2.8MHz. With its high energy and permeability, it vibrates tissues in
every layers of your skin, exporting oil and dirt from pores. Also, it changes cells
volumes so as to improve blood circulation and stimulates proliferation of cells,
making it lustrous and elastic. Moreover, thanks to its high frequency vibration
induced warm effect, it helps better absorption of nutrients into the skin at a higher
Hydro Spray Jet
Using high force pressure oxygen, sterilized saline (normal saline) and oxygen enter
into the air compressor equipment at the same time, and transfer particles of water
into a small molecules that enter into the skin (5-200 microns), tiny drops of water will
be in the form of spray (jet spray), with a speed of (supersonic) 200 m/s made from a
special designed nozzle, speed into human skin bottom with water and oxygen.
Cold Hammer
Use the principle of air conditioner. Special wafer ceramics are used to absorb energy
and refrigerate at - 5 degrees in an instant. The method of physical heat accumulation
produced by wafer energy absorption makes one side produce heat up to 40 degrees.
The fan discharges excess heat energy and achieves the effect of constant
temperature and freezing alternately. It also promotes metabolism, alleviates allergic
reaction, shrinks pore, calms skin, whitens and tenders skin.
Biological effects: During the cooling process, tissue temperature cools down, blood
vessels and veins contract, metabolic rate reduces, cell activity inhibits, peripheral
nerve sensitivity reduces, thus having a sedative and soothing effect, counteracting or
reducing the symptoms of allergic reaction, such as redness, swelling, and pain,
therefore achieving certain effects, such as calming the skin, reducing redness and
swelling, shrinking pores and so on.
Apply cooling and heating to skin for corresponding effect. Cooling can reduce tissue
temperature, shrink blood vessels and veins, reduce metabolic rate, restrain and slow
down cell activity, reduce peripheral nerve sensitivity, calm and pacify, counteract and
reduce skin redness, swelling and pain, especially for allergic skin. It can calm skin,
reduce redness and swelling, and shrink pores. Heating can heat up tissue, rise