5 N b + I2 (P + N - 5 G)
5 (I1 + I2) - I2
M >
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19, rue de Rennes
BP 83221 • F - 35690 ACIGNÉ
The stability of the tractor and loader can only be ensured with a counterweight on the rear of the tractor. This counterweight
must ensure that a minimun of 20 % of the total weight (Tractor, loader, implement, maximum load and counterweight)
is applied on the back axle of the tractor in order to work in a safe condition.
Below is the calculation method which indicates the required counterweight (M)
G : Weight on the rear axle, wihtout counterweight, with an empty implement (kg).
G1 : Weight on the front axle, without counterweight, with an empty implement (kg).
b : Distance from the front axle to the implement centre of gravity (mm).
I1 : Distance from rear linkage pins to the rear axle (mm).
I2 : Wheelbase.
N : Loader payload at 2 m (Kg).
P : G + G1 (kg)
M : Weight of the counterweight (kg).