- Take out and then put the Remote back on its dock to make sure there are no loose connections between
the Remote and the Receiver pin connectors.
- Clean up the pins under your Remote and on the Receiver dock to avoid any loose connection.
- Check that the pin connectors are not blocked.
I can’t pair my Remotes with my Receiver
If you can’t pair your Remotes with your Receiver, check the following points:
- Put your Remote on the other Receiver dock and try pairing.
- Take out and then put the Remote back on its dock to make sure there are no loose connections between
the Remote and the Receiver pin connectors.
- Press the Receiver pin connectors to make sure they are not blocked.
The Remote calibration never stops
Take the Remote out of its dock and place it on a static support to start the calibration process.
If the calibration animation lasts more than a minute, please check the following points:
- Put your Remote in one of the Receiver docks and try pairing it: long press (3 sec.) on the Setup button
corresponding to the Receiver. Your Remote is paired with the Receiver when its LED stops flashing. The LED
of the Remote should now be the same as the Setup button light.
- Once the pairing is complete, take the Remote out of the Receiver and retry calibration.
When I take my Remotes out, they automatically unlink themselves from the Receiver
(their LED is white)
If your Remotes unlink themselves when being pulled out of the Receiver, please follow the steps below:
1) Unplug the Receiver to turn it off, then take the Remotes out of their dock.
2) Plug the Receiver back into a power source to turn it on.
3) Put the Remotes in their Receiver dock.
4) Pair each Remote with the Receiver. For that, long press (3 sec.) the matching Setup button (A or B) on the
5) Unplug the Receiver to turn it off, make sure to leave the Remotes on their dock.
6) Plug the Receiver back into a power source to turn it on.
7) Take the Remotes out of their dock and place them on a static support. Wait for calibration process to
Everything should work fine now.
My Remote automatically turns off when I take it out from its Receiver dock
If your Remote automatically turns off (Remote LED is not lit), check the following points:
- Plug your Receiver into your computer and open the MWM Connect configuration software.
- In the “Energy Saver” section, check your timeouts for “Sleep Mode” and “Shutdown”.
- Complete a full charge on both Remotes (around 2 hours needed) to make sure batteries are well initial-
My Remotes don’t communicate with my Receiver
To test if your Remote properly communicates with your Receiver, press the Setup button of your choice
once to pause one of your Remotes.
When a Remote is paused, both its own LED and its corresponding Setup button will start to flash. If LEDs
don’t flash, check the following points:
- Put your Remote in the Receiver dock “A” and pair it: long press (3 sec.) the corresponding Setup button.