© MuxLab Inc.
Multimedia 16x16 Matrix Switch Installation Guide
Page 57
5. GET Commands
Array of 16 integers.
Contains 16 items for the 16 displays. Each number is the source connected to the associated display. 0 means a display is
disconnected. In the example below, Display 1 is disconnected, Display 2 is connected to Source 3, etc.
Example: [0,3,2,4,1,1,2,3,12,13,14,15,16,12,1,1]
Array of 16 integers.
Provide the connections state of the corresponding preset.
Contains 16 items for the 16 displays. Each number is the source connected to the associated display. 0 means a display is
disconnected. In the example below, Display 1 is disconnected, Display 2 is connected to Source 3, etc.
Example: [0,3,2,4,1,1,2,3,12,13,14,15,16,12,1,1]
Array of a single string.
Contains the name of the box.
Example: [“Classroom B Matrix”]
Array of 16 strings.
Contains the names of all 16 input ports.
Example: [“Cable Box”, “Satellite Receiver”, “Demo Reel”, …]
Array of 16 strings.
Contains the names of all 16 output ports.
Example: [“Conference Room”, “Cafeteria”, …]
Array of 8 strings.
Contains the names of all 8 presets
Example: [“Preset 1”, “Preset 2”, “week end”, …]
Array of a single integer.
Indicate if dhcp is ON ([1]) or OFF ([0])
Example: [1]
Array of 2 integers.
Contains the Min. and Max. temperature of the unit before an alarm is raised
Example: [5,70]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains minimum RPM of the four internal fans before an alarm is raised
Example: [100,100,100,100]
Array of a single integer.
Contains an integer representing the current user level, from 0 to 2.
Example: [2]
Array of a single integer.
Represents a new session ID
Example: [3847534]
Destroys current session.
Array of a single integer.
Contains an integer representing the temperature inside the matrix, in degrees Celsius.
Example: [26]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the speeds of the four internal fans inside the matrix, in RPM.
Example: [1390,1390,520,520]
Array of a single integer.
Represents the matrix status. 0 => Ok; 1 => fault; 2 => critical
Example: [1]
Array of a single integer.
Represents the voltage status. 1 => Ok; 0 => fault
Example: [1]
Array of a 2 integer.
Represents the 2 power supplies status. 1 => ON; 0 => OFF
Example: [1,0]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the current serial port settings: baud rate, data bits(7 or 8), parity (0=>Even; 1=>Odd; 4=>None) ,stop bits (0=>1
stop bit; 2=>2 stop bits)
Example: [9600,8,4,0]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the saved IP address (Not the current IP address being used)
Example: [10,0,101,96]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the saved mask address (Not the current mask address being used)
Example: [255,255,0,0]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the saved gateway address (Not the current one being used)
Example: [10,0,1,1]
Array of 8 integers.
Contains the alarm configuration: beep, email, serial feedback, dual power supply. 0=>OFF and 1=> ON (the last 4 integer
are not used)
Example: [1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0]
Array of 2 strings.
Contains master firmware version and the secondary micro version
Example: [“1.4.0”, “2”]