HDMI/HDBT 1x4 Splitter
Installation & Operation Manual
© MuxLab Inc. 2016
RS232 Control Commands
Use PC based terminal software to control the HDMI/HDBT 1x4 Splitter and to control
end devices, such as displays. In order to control end devices, the HDBT Receivers
must support RS232 Transmission, and the RS232 port of each HDBT Receiver must
be connected via an RS232 cable (sold separately) to the RS232 port of each end
device to be remotely managed. Please set the parameters of the COM Port (baud rate,
data bits, stop bit and the parity bit) to 9600, 8, 1, none (respectively).
Command format:
<unit #>
<port #>
-b <baud rate> -
d “
<data to send >
Send pass through data to a specific output port
<Unit # >: 0 to 15
<port # >: 1 to 4
<baud rate>: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200
<data to send>: Hex string (max 500 characters)
Send the following 4 bytes to port #3 0xA1, 0x55, 0xF2, and 0xC8
–u 0 –p 3 –b 9600 –d “A155F2C8”