Operating instruction: B013 Edition: 01/2015
Subject to alterations.
General, proper usage
Grinding machines of the ASG ... type are used to fabricate (prepare) belting material, for example
to prepare wedge splices. The maximum width of belting material that can be processes is 300 mm
or 1000 mm at a cut-off angle of 60°.
Adjusting grinding machine
1. Put the grinding machine down on an even pad.
2. Position the belt grinder parallel to the grinding table and adjust them in such a way that the
belt grinder is lightly contacting the grinding table.
3. Open the star handle nuts and adjust the belt grinder parallel to the grinding table by means
of the adjusting screw.
4. Slightly grind the grinding table off.
Bevelling the belting material
1. Open the belt grinder by swinging it upwards.