DualLINK MIDI System
Rev. 1.5
Pag. 18 di 47
You are advised not to use Dynamics, Expression and After Touch at the same time.
To do so you will definitely need a lot of practise. While combinations of Dynamics
and Expression, Dynamics and After Touch and Expression and After Touch will
prove to be much easier and within the reach of most techniques.
If you want to change the Dynamics of the ins
on the numeric keyboard panel and the touch screen will show as follows:
As will be easily understood, the left of this display shows the zone in which
you are operating, in this case Section A of the instrument (accordion), the
various sections of the instrument (Right, Chord and Bass) and, on the right of
these section keys, the respective Dynamics (D) and Expression (XP) and After
Touch (AT) On/Off keys.
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s. This is indicating
that the Expression and Dynamics will operate both on Sound A and Sound B.
To be able to control the Sounds separately (for example, to have Expression
on Sound A and Dynamics on Sound B) touch the lower part of the big green
key on the left and this title will disappear. You will now be able to activate or
deactivate the Dynamics and Expression separately on Sounds A and B.
In the lower part of the display you will see: XP Curve 1, XP Curve 2 and XP
Curve 3. By default XP Curve 1 will always be selected, but you will be able to
select the Expressive Curve according to your playing needs. These three keys
operate in both the A and B sections of the accordion, that means that if you
change the curve in either section you are in, this will change in both.
To change from section A to B, use the Switch button A<-‐>B, and the display
will show: