5, although contiguous, are not on the same di-group and may not work.
You must verify that you were given consecutive channels in the same di-
group for
both ends of the connection
, since crossovers are normal.
We have seen instances where the brand of CSU/DSU makes a difference.
For example, in several locations, only ‘Brand A’ CSU/DSUs worked, and
in other locations, only ‘Brand B’ worked. We can offer no explanation for
this, but we have seen this in many different locations.
Regardless of what brand CSU/DSU you are using, the following settings
must be selected:
CS (Clear to Send) must be forced ON
CS Delay must be SHORT
Antistream Timer must be disabled
CD (Carrier Detect) must be NORMAL
SR (Data Set Ready) must be forced ON
Scrambler (64 kb/s only) must be ON
If configured correctly, the CS, RD, TD and CD indicators should be
illuminated, and the RS indicator should not.
If you can connect and frame on each line individually, but not when using
multiple lines, then you should verify the above with your service provider
before calling MUSICAM USA for assistance. You may have to use a
decoder independent configuration.
TA101 Setup
The most common problems that
users experience is with
terminal adapter setup. Most problems are due to improper
provisioning of your ISDN service, or improper TA configuration. The
easiest way to be sure your service is provisioned properly is to FAX
Appendix C to your service provider.
In order to set up the TA101 terminal adapter properly in North
America, you
must have
the following information (For non-North
American configuration, contact your sales representative):
—Service Provider Identification number (SPID number) for all
—Software version if switch type is AT&T 5ESS.
—National ISDN or Custom Point-to-Point.