n music, everything depends upon the
bass line. It's the same in hi-fi. Given the
proper foundation, other elements snap into
focus. The imaging of the Nu-Vista 300 is
positively tactile.
2) Low distortion with low feedback
ith an amplifier of this power and
dynamic range, it is absolutely criti-
cal that there be no audible distortion. Even
in amplifiers which measure well, distortion
may creep into the listening experience.
Therefore, Musical Fidelity put a vast
amount of effort into ensuring that the meas-
ured and real life distortion are vanishingly
low. Typically, the Nu-Vista 300 has less
and .01% distortion from 20Hz-20KHz
when delivering high power levels into a
wide variety of loads.
ven at ultrasonic frequencies up to
100KHz, the distortion remains below
ow frequency distortion is similarly
negligible. The Nu-Vista 300's sophis-
ticated, three stage, magnetic feedback,
choke regulated power supply (unique in the
world, as far as we know) allows the power
amp to deliver amazingly deep bass with no
overhang and with extraordinary slam,
speed and presence. Talk about feeling bass
dynamics in your gut - this is it.
3) High power and high current
assive power and current delivery are
a must for a power amp to deliver
proper dynamic range with an average sen-
sitivity loudspeaker. If you want realistic
dynamic range, the minimum power
requirement with a loudspeaker of about
89dB sensitivity is 200 watts per channel.
he Nu-Vista 300 will deliver 300 watts
into 8 Ohms, 600 watts into 4 Ohms,
and about 1000 watts into 2 Ohms.
he Nu-Vista 300 can deliver 80 amps
peaks. As far as we are aware, there is
not a loudspeaker in existence which can
cause the Nu-Vista even the slightest prob-
lem. The Nu-Vista 300 can sink any load
presented to it, and still continue to deliver
almost limitless dynamic range.
hysical layout is critical to the perform-
ance of a power amp capable of such
large voltage and current swings. The con-
sensus is that mono bloc design is the best,
but we disagree. When an amplifier is
delivering high currents or voltages, these
can easily be picked up by the circuit, inter-
connect cables, components or even by the
amplifier's casework. These magnetic flux
surges will affect the sonic performance of
the amplifier. Also, the zero volts of two
mono bloc amplifiers will be marginally dif-
ferent. This may affect imaging and other
subtle areas of the listening experience.
he solution developed by Musical
Fidelity is to build two completely
mono amplifiers in the same box, keeping
each channel's power supply completely
he Nu-Vista 300 has three transformers:
one for each power amp and one for the
control circuits. As a result, there is no
magnetic interference from, the transform-
ers to the circuitry, and the zero volt poten-
tial of both power amps is identical.
e found that this solution offers sig-
nificant audible benefits. It isn't con-
ventional, it isn't politically correct and it
isn't what every reviewer has been told for
the past 20 years, but we think it's the right
solution. The only thing that matters in the
end is how an amplifier sounds: the Nu-
Vista 300 does not disappoint in any area.
Nu-VISTA 300 Power Amplifier
Instructions for Use. Page 5 of 12