Recommended Tools
To work with surface mount devices, such as in this kit, it's a good idea to have the following tools
to hand:
Soldering iron with a small tip. A 1-2mm chisel or point tip is preferable.
Fine gauge solder. Ideally 0.7mm or less.
Solder wick. This is almost essential for removing excess solder, especially when soldering
the ICs.
Flux pen. This isn't essential for a kit like this with only 2 x 8-pin IC's, but it does make
soldering some components much easier.
Fine point tweezers. These are essential for handling surface mount components.
Magnifying glass or jewellers Loupe. You'll need some method of inspecting solder joints.
Magnification of 10x is recommended.
Soft haired brush and PCB cleaner for removing flux. The type of cleaner will depend the on
the solder you use. Isopropyl alcohol usually works well.
MTM SimpleEQ 0805 build doc v1.1
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