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3.3 Additional information
The additional information means add extra data at front or
rear on scanned barcode data.
“Prefix”: add data at the front of read-out data.
“Suffix”: add data at the rear of read-out data.
For example, if the original read-out data is “12345678”, prefix
will be modified as “111” and suffix will be modified as “yy”,
the final data will display “11112345678yy”.
3.4 Continuous scan setup
Select continuous scan, user can adjust the interval and time
Broadcast Receiver:
It’s the method that using the broadcast mechanism of Android to transfer
read-out barcode data to customer’s program.In this way, the codes of API
in SDK do not need to be written into customer software codes, read-out
data can be acquired by registering broadcast and customer can operate
read-out data according to logic requirement. After select
“Broadcast Receiver”, “Broadcast name” and “Key” need to be adjusted.
Broadcast name:
It’s the broadcast name of acquired data in customer software.
Acquire the corresponding key designation of the broadcast.